CuteNews is a FREE, powerful and easy-to-use news management system based on flat files as a storage with quick installation, search function, file upload management, backup & restore, IP banning, permission levels supporting, flood protection and many more. Moreover Cutenews is UTF-8 fully compatible system.
View project on GitHub Download Cute News 2.2 zip (2.02 Mb) 25.02.2025
Do not change cdata and uploads.
In case you made changes in skins, you should restore them from the backup. For instance, if there was a special style for a skin (, it should be added to the new folder 'skins'. Any change in skins should be re-written.
Choose the encoding hat is used in the older version. In most cases it's UTF-8 except 1.4.x. You can check the encoding pressing 'Preview'. But in this case you should know an ID with nonstandard symbols (not ASCII). For this:
If while clicking Preview the article is shown with the correct encoding, put ticks at every checkbox and click 'Do Convert'.
You can convert by separate parts to avoid timeout errors.
Clean installation.
Installation is performed by the same algorithm as the migration (1-4 items).